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Looking for an Aggro taunt mod...


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...but I can't seem to find anything usable. Just to make it clearer what I'm looking for is a mod that will allow me to force an enemy to focus its attacks on me rather than any other target for X amount of time. A shout would make the most sense for this.


All I could find was this mod for oldrim: I Am You Shield (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75671?tab=description&BH=0)


The problem being that it messes something up with on-hit perks and breaks perk overhauls like Ordinator and such.


Anyone has any suggestion or know of such a mod for SSE?

Edited by kalipou
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Guest deleted80903

Housecarls Are Tanks SE gives this functionality to all the housecarls. Basically they get a taunt ability that pulls enemies to them instead of you. There use to be an Oldrim mod that let you be the tank instead, but it's hidden right now, it looks like.


If you are good with SSEdit, you could see what abilities "Housecarls Are Tanks SE" adds to housecarls and give it to yourself with the console.

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