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"Radiation effect" strength based on Line-Of-Sight possible?

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If I was trying to solve this with dynamic scripting I would;


(1) Start a quest with a dynamic quest fill that that finds all persistent radiation source objectreferences in the current worldspace by base objects, keywords, AV or whatever. Run it whenever OnPlayerTeleport as a potential worldspace changes.


(2) Disable each of them and PlaceAtMe a helper object with a script which OnLoad() RegisterForDirectLOSGain(Self, pPlayerREF)


(3) Event OnGainLOS places at self a radiation hazard and RegisterForDirectLOSLost(Self, pPlayerREF)


(4) Event OnLostLOS disables the radiation hazard and RegisterForDirectLOSGain(Self, pPlayerREF) to loop around.


(5) Run either a regular FindAllObjects...() on the active uGrids around the player to find the non persistent radiation source objectreferences and do 2,3,4, for them.




(a) This base method is used in many of my mods to dynamically find and replace stuff globally with good performance and low script system overhead.


(b) The LOS events do not always fire (I have tried Direct/Detection & etc) during high load periods like combat with multiple actors, so for consistent quality have a backup plan like an active magic effect.


© Some radiation sources may be quest bound for activation or as triggers, so monkeying with them can disrupt stuff.

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