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Difficulty Fixing Face Textures


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Hello everyone, so I tried to install this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6599?tab=files


However, even though it is uploaded onto SSE, Mod Organizer told me that it had a form 43 plugin. So, I changed the plugin through Creation Kit. However, once I did that, the followers all had the default nord face. Prior to changing, they did not have the nord face. I also tried to use Cathedral Optimizer to optimize the textures, but they still have the nord face.


Another thing is that I noticed that the custom voice has an english translation in the files section. Can anyone direct me to the directory I should place the translation files? Mod Organizer does not recognise its format nor randomly placing them in the original mod's voice folders seem to work. (Aka, they won't talk in game)



Does anyone know how to resolve these two problems, thanks!

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Guest deleted80903

Hmm, not my usual cup of tea, but I like a challenge. I'll tinker with this and see what I can come up with.


When you say you changed the .ESP in the CK, you mean you opened it and saved it? That's all you should have to do.


I'll report in when I have more info.

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Guest deleted80903

First, I installed the mod (Japanese version) via Mod Organizer 2. By the gods, the CUSTOMIZATIONZ! I made the mistake of going with a custom install, 15 minutes later I was finally done choosing my options. Whew! (Most of them I ended up just quickly choosing at random.)


I moved the .ESP from the MO2 mods folder to my Data folder and fired up Skyrim. Everything was working (physics too, right out of the box), but the character names were replaced by boxes (indicates a missing non-English font).


At this point, I decided it would be better to fix the text issues first and worry about the form 43 thing last:

I used this info from a post on the mod page:

  • Download xTranslator here in Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/134?
  • Download the translation files found in the files section (extract the files too when you are at it)
  • Start up xTranslator in Skyrim SE mode (MY NOTE: Choose Japanese as start language and English as destination language on startup options screen.)
  • Click File --> Load ESP/ESM
  • Find the .esp file for OK_Custom Voice Followers, and load it (Click "yes" on warning window)
  • Click File --> Import Translation --> XML Files (xTranslator) (MY NOTE: It works better if you choose the Import-> SST and use the SST file instead of the XML. Click through the appropriate sections, but CHOOSE THE STRINGS ONLY OPTION when the choice is presented.)
  • Find the translation file(s) you downloaded on 2nd step, and load it. Click "OK" when asked what to do with the file
  • And finally click File --> Finalize ESP/ESM (it also creates a backup esp with the date on the filename)


So now the mod is fully functional: NPC names, dialogue options, subtitles, and cell names are all English as they should be. The mod is still in Form 43 at this point though.


Form 43 isn't a huge deal; I have a few complicated mods in Form 43 in my current playthrough of several hundred hours that I didn't want to mess with. If I was converting this mod for ME I'd probably just call it quits here, but let's go the extra mile and see what happens...


More to come.

Edited by melvinius
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Guest deleted80903

Ok, so I went ahead and opened the plugin with the CK and saved it. That's literally all you have to do right there. Fired it up in Skyrim and everything is working perfectly. Some notes:

  • Japanese voice (the version I used) is a bit louder than other Skyrim voices which is a bit painful in my headset. Not something related to our process here, we'd have to tweak the voice files to equalize them. I think (didn't try it) the vanilla voices version of the mod uses vanilla voice types for combat lines and stuff like that, but probably still uses Japanese for the dialogue. Not my preference to mix voices like this, but if the Japanese voices are too loud while fighting/traveling you could use the vanilla voices version.
  • Looks like the bodies AND the clothing in this mod all have physics. I'm pretty impressed; it's a significant attention to detail. Southeast Asians are whizzes at this tech stuff though. I have no idea what they teach them in school, but it's way better than the education here in the USA. Anyways, my physics setup is a dual CBP/HDT setup; I'm not sure which physics type is handling everything from this mod. It worked for me out of the box, no further tinkering required, but it might not work so smoothly for you. If you don't have physics at all you might get crashes or just normal static bodies/clothes.
  • I used (and recommend) the EFF version. EFF is just better built and more reliable than AFT, but the choice is yours.
  • At this point, I'd probably take a look through the mod with SSEEDit to make sure it's not messing with anything I don't want it to. Just better to be safe. If you know how, you could reorder forms for ESP-lite and change it to that with SSEEDIT to save a plugin slot too.
  • I'd recommend running the mod's textures through Octagon (search the nexus) to make sure they are optimized. This mod doesn't look super hi-res, but it never hurts.
  • For me, if I were using this, I'd fix some of the hairs/outfits colors with Paint.NET (completely free) for a more natural look before using this mod.
  • I currently have some wrist seams (not a mismatched texture, but a hand size gap) with these characters due to the body mods I use and the mismatch in what I chose for this mod install.

Let me know if you have any questions about the process.

Edited by melvinius
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