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Weird looking blacksmith water with RWT


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Hi guys. I was wondering if the broader modding community have any ideas on how to fix this.

When I toggle on Realistic Water Two it makes the blacksmith forge water look like this.

The picture is a little dark (and not mine btw) so I'll describe it - static blacksmithwater with weird little pixels like snow on an old tv-screen.

As far as I've understood RWT is meant to fix the static blacksmith water so I wa expecting something else.


I use this other great mod called "Blacksmith Forge Water Fix" - does it's job perfectly BUT not with Realistic Water Two enabled. Then it does nothing.


I guess RWT overwrites the other mod, so I tried to set up some specific rules in Vortex - no result.

RWT creates a lot of files but none of them is directly tied to the blacksmith as far as I can tell, so I guess it just takes the shaders from it's other water and replaces the blacksmith water with that.

Blacksmith Forge Water Fix only has the two core files in the main data folder.


BTW once used an ENB but I deleted it and cleaned everthing up with ENB and ReShade Manager.

I tried to run the mod with only the unofficial mod and SkyUI enabled - still no result.


Do you guys know if there is ANY way to fix this? I would be fine if there was a way to let Blacksmith Forge Water Fix handle the blacksmith water completely.

Your help is appreciated :smile:

Edited by GeminaLuna
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Guest deleted80903

I know there were fixes for this problem in Oldrim. Do a search for "forge water" mods. There's probably something for SE also, if not it should be trivial to convert a fix from Oldrim.

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