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mod for better fighting?


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yeah, I find shooting and chopping at people kind a like playing the lottery. What decides if an arrow hits or not... shouldnt it be aim? ...because it's not :mellow: is it a mystical fairy of th arrows?


and swinging a sword (wich I do less as I like marksmanship) is the same.


In theory what I like about being a marksman is that you can be stealthy and snipe 'em for at least an upper hand to begin the fight. But alas, my sniping arrow had a 1:10 hit ratio reguardless of where my crosshair is... even a miss alerts them to my presence and I am left frantically machine gunning my arrows straight through their magical bodies that allow unhindered passage to my archaic missiles of impotence.


I want to play this game so bad, but it's details like this that wreck it... anyone know of a fix for this?

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perhaps there is a mod, i know in oblivion that even the damage (perhaps this is a delusioned fantasy) is dependent on where you hit, but always damages. I too hate it how whether you damage them or not seems either random or dependent on hitting them in one magical "sweet spot".
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perhaps there is a mod, i know in oblivion that even the damage (perhaps this is a delusioned fantasy) is dependent on where you hit, but always damages. I too hate it how whether you damage them or not seems either random or dependent on hitting them in one magical "sweet spot".


Damage isn't locational in Oblivion, it has potential to be, and I believe there is a locational damage mod for this. But in vanilla Oblivion, an arrow to the foot hurts just as much as an arrow to the head.

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