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Mines with less delay?


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After playing through this game one thing stuck out about the mines for me, they take way too long to go off! When I set mines I find myself standing in my corner of the room I'm holed up in getting shot waiting for the mine my enemy walked over to go off. Also when I set off a mine I have way way too much time to get away from it often making it out unscathed. Who else would like to see mines that go off on the spot, don't beep and don't have silly lights to make them obvious as a guy in a orange vest with a flashlight running around screaming? Speaking of lights heres a fun fact: the frag mine light is the same light used for the pipboy buttons, if you use a pipboy mod that changes the button lights the mine will also get the new light colour. Right now the mine lights in my game are a light blue! :P
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I'm almost certain it's dependent on your explosives skill. Maybe a decreased trigger radius would be a good replacement for this scale, while keeping a short fuse if you do set it off?
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That would make sense, after all pressure sensitive mines makes more sense in post apoclyptia then the more advanced motion sensor variety since they'd be easier to make. Still trying to figure out how to dispose of the light and beep though. I suppose you could stop the beep by replacing it's sound file with a silent file like the no karma sound mods use. As for the light I suspect minefrag_g.dds might be related to it but I haven't played with it so I can't say for sure.
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Well I tried removing the light by editing textures but it didn't work so it seems that might take more work then I thought. I found the path for the ticking noise the mine makes sound/fx/wpn/mine/tick/wpn_mine_tick.wav and I don't know enough about scripting and other editing to make them have a small activation radius and near instant explosion. One thing I noticed is that the actual mesh of the mine seems to have a lightbulb on it meaning we may need someone who can do modeling to help with that. I haven't the faintest on how to remove the actual light however as I don't know anything about it other then that it uses the textures/pipboy3000/pipboybtnglow01.dds file.

EDIT: I just got the silent mine concept to work, indeed it was as simple as a silent .wav file. With that concept proven i'm afraid my usefulness ends since I don't know how to get rid of the light or adjust it's behavior.

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The mines at minefield look like they have a very short fuse. I don't know how the scripting is different.


They are the same as those elsewhere. The difference at Minefield is that there is a guy with a sniper rifle setting them off when you get close. If you turn your volume up, you'll hear his bullets whiz by around you when he misses. He never seems to shoot directly at you (unless you approach the building where he's hiding), just at the mines around you.

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Yeah, he is a horrible shot. If you go at night you can see the tracer effect from his rifle and then it's pretty easy to find him.


As for the timing on the mines, it is related to your explosives skill. The higher it is, the closer you can get to them and the more warning you have before they explode. I took the Light Step perk because I was tired of setting off "shotgun to the face" traps. It also causes mines to no longer register as threats, it's as if you put them there yourself. Really takes away some of the games thrill.

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Since it's related to skill perhaps theres a modifier that would allow it to be set to a very small trigger radius with no warning or delay regardless of skill? I know that for the gun skills theres mods that change how the skills and other factors effect the weapon behavior such as making skill unrelated to damage so I have hope that someone will be able to pull this off.
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