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2 requests


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I tried to find if someone had already requested M72 Gauss Rifle, but couldnt find anything (prob missed it).


and the second request is for the BOS scout guy Irvine (not sure if its his name) but a scout really shouldnt be wearing a power armor that gives minus to agility, so if someone could make a scout power armor or similiar.



Keep on modding

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Hmmm after trying to imagine a "scout" power armour the power suit from metroid came to mind. http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Powersuit_concept.png perhaps something along these lines would make a okay scout armor while still being a power suit (as opposed to the recon armor)? Just putting suggestions out there I haven't any modeling experience what so ever.
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Well I know Umpa got some animations working ingame and the smoking animation already exists ingame so I guess it's just a matter of allowing the player to use said animation. When the CS is out we should be able to add scripting for actual use of the ingame cigarettes where you click on them and it's removed from the inventory and the pc starts smoking. Oblivion actually has a mod just like this so no reason why it shouldn't happen in fallout3.
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