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ABWR adding in hilariously difficult encounters?


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So I just started putting in mods and was devastated when I got destroyed outside of Riverhelm by a thief wearing guildmasters armor and a ridiculous weapon. I was level 2. There was also a marauder in orcish armor that crushed me while I was on my way to get the dragonstone. After turning a bunch of mods off and back on one by one, I found out it was ABWR (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15776).


I saw this link in which the guy had the same problem: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/744479-strange-high-level-thief-random-encounter-near-riverwood-with-guild-master-armor/ ... he mentions Winterhold Ruins mod causing it, but I don't even have that installed.


I've searched and found nobody complaining about this happening with ABWR so I am confused. Why is it happening?


The other mods I have installed are:

JaySuS Swords

Enchanting Freedom

Lore Friendly Armor Pack

Lush grass/trees

Odvar the Afflicted

Player Headtracking

TERA weapons

Ultimate Follower Overhaul

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  • 2 months later...

not sure... i've nearly manage to take out the thief with the aid of Ralof after a couple of minutes... im not sure but makes sense now that i think about it... after i instaled the mod i noticed this 2 rather difficult encounters... i had to go and recruit a mini army in whiterun b4 going up the path to bleak falls... o_0 and still strugle for over an hour to get past the observation tower, i was using requiem tho so.. those archers -_-! needless to say i took several arrows to the head, dont worry my knee is fine btw LOL

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