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A completely boring and pointless Mod idea.


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Hey there-

I was standing there at Fort Greymoor watching the various NPC's wandering about doing their various tasks when it occurred to me how completely boring and pointless it would be to have a Mod where you played as a guard and watched NPC's all day.

You could go to the Jarl (or the Captain of the guard) and apply for a position as a guard. He gives you a uniform, a bed in the barracks and assigns you to one of the gates where you work x amount of hours for x amount of gold.

If you don't fill your hours you get fired. If you work overtime you get a sweet roll or a bottle of mead or something.


After thought: And maybe you could get added dialogue where you can say to anyone in game, "I used to be an adventurer....."

Edited by UgTheViking
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