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Immersive Household Economy


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The problem: upon return to house Dovahkiin has lots of loot to unload.

Current solution: hopping between multiple merchants to sell most of the loot and storing the rest in a container.


Mod idea:

Upon return to home Dovahkiin gives all the loot to his/her spouse. No gold is being given to Dovahkiin at that point.

The spouse sells the loot every day thus generating gold each day.

Every day Dovahkiin can collect the profit from his/her spouse. Lets say 1k gold per day. This income will be generated untill loot's total value gets depleted.

Loot is being sold using Speech skill of the spouse.

Some of the income goes to cover the costs of spouse's and children's living.

The amount of gold that can be generated per day is limited by the city that spouse lives in. Whiterun and Solitude have the highest limit while for example Winterhold has the lowest.

Dovahkiin can invest gold in his/her spouse to make her/him better at doing business thus increasing spouse's Speech level or decreasing daily upkeep cost of the household (children + spouse).


An example:

At day one Dovahkiin came back to home bringing loot of 10k base gold value.

Dovahkiin's wife is Ysolda whose Speech skill allows her to sell items at 120% of their base value.

Dovahkiin has two adopted children who require 50g per day for food and other necessities.

Ysolda requires 100g for daily expenses to upkeep the house and her store.

Ysolda will eventually sell all the loot for a total price of 12k gold.

However since she lives in Whiterun she can sell products for up to 2k per day.

In this example Ysolda will sell all the items within 6 days.

Each day Ysolda will give Dovahkiin 1,8k gold (2000-2*50-100).

However if Dovahkiin returns after ten days then he/she will be able to collect only 10k gold since Ysolda had to use 2k gold during that time to upkeep the household.



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