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So I started making a faction mod...


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You probably have no idea who I am and neither do I. A few days ago, I picked up some basic modding stuff, and ended up starting an entire faction mod.


I have no idea what I'm doing.


Part 1-I have no idea what I'm doing

A pretty usual reaction, right? Yeah, I thought so, too. Well, I was able to pick up some things. I made the necessary faction, with five levels (You're not meant to reach the top), two classes, both playable, and a birthsign. I'm considering making a race, and using the Inari Race by hidemaro for a special set (Which I'm just realizing I should make a subfaction for), and also, a questline.


The last two, the race and questline, I have no idea what I'm doing. I can't stress this enough. This is one of the three things I've ever wanted to learn to do, while I was learning, and they're all relevant to each other. And I don't know. I at least want to get the questline done before working on creating a beautiful race for it.


But... What am I doing?


Part 2-halp

See part 1 for more information.


But in all seriousness, I know I should be doing certain things - like using blender (or getting a modeler to help me, because I can't figure it out worth a crap) to make the race and faction armor, and getting hidemaro's permission to use his race to make a few NPCs. I have a DDS Converter that works with Win7, and a good comprehension of GIMP2, and I can make insignias with Windows Paint's advanced tools, believe it or not.


What I can't comprehend is scripting. I... What


In conclusion, yes, I'm asking for someone to teach me basic scripting. I don't like tutorials. I tried that with blender and I still don't get it. And I'm also asking for a modeler and a texture maker. But mostly, scripting.



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Hehe, you're doing the same as what I did :P


Honestly, don't start out with massive questlines. They require a combination of several modding skills, and a decent understanding of how Oblivion works - especially if you plan on creating any innovative effects or cutscenes. Work on something simple to start with, especially when it comes to scripting.


A good place to start is equipment. Try to create a weapon with a cool twist on the enchantments you see in-game by using a scripted enchantment. If you have problems, you can always ask here for help; people such as myself or Maskar will usually take a look and offer advice. When you manage that, step it up slightly - try to create another weapon with a completely unique enchantment, something completely different from anything in the game. Once you perfect your awesome new weapon, script some armour to go along with it. For example, I once helped a modder create an armour that shot fireballs in every direction when health dropped below 25%.



The website that Maskar linked to, the Construction Set Wiki, is your new best friend. It is a dictionary/map/guide to all technical aspects of modding. It also has a beginner's guide that will teach you the basics of modding.

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Like WarRatsG, I bit off more than I could chew upon making my first mod. I designed a huge estate with over 70 interior cells and grand aspirations for quests, new magics, etc. 3 Years later and I am almost ready to add my quest content. My point is that most big projects don't get finished alone. If you are the type to set a seemingly impossible goal, then focus one step at a time to getting there, go for it!!! If you think you will get discouraged, minimize it.


You don't necessarily need to learn blender to get new looking races, weapons or armors. You can simply retexture existing content, vanilla or not. A paint job can make a huge difference. Quests are difficult and should be learned after you understand scripting better. Same goes for dialogue.


If you don't like tutorials, you will not learn to mod very easily or quickly. I personally have a slightly low learning curve. It takes me a long time to learn something as complex as scripting. I assume this is true for most people, but when you have background in other programming languages, it is frustrating to hit the wall. I really recommend "My first Script" and "My second Script" -both of which are found on the wiki. They will help you learn the basics. Once you learn all the basics, you will need to learn when scripting will and will not do what you intend (getself doesn't return in gamemode blocks all the time, etc).


Don't get discouraged because you don't understand a part of a tut. Simply post the url for the tut here and ask a question about it. No question is stupid (unless you didn't research it at least a little). Common Questions and Problems is a good place to start looking. But by no means should you be afraid to post questions here. That is what these forums are for.

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