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Some of us must have had that already. I have also had my biblical allowance. I see, like me , you do not take things entirely seriously.

Oh I do, believe me. It's just that there's no point in being totally down about a development that you can't possibly cure. I don't know about where you are, but where I am we can't obtain antiviral NP95 masks, hand sanitizer, surface sanitizer wipes or spray disinfectant. Further, antibiotic soap and bleach are in short supply. I don't go into town unless I absolutely must. I've stockpiled enough of the basics that I can probably stay home for the next month to month and a half...unless I've already been exposed to the virus during my forays after food and other necessities. In which case my life becomes a coin toss. So, yeah, there it is. Life as I know it. Humor is one of my coping mechanisms. The only way out of this mess is a reliable vaccine and I don't look for that until Fall at the earliest. In the meantime I'm just hoping that all the closings don't tank the economy and take the U.S. down the toilet. If we go, the rest of the world goes with us...probably. Worst case scenario, my pension could tank along with the economy and I could be out on the street...along with a LOT of other people. Want me to go on? So, humor as a defense mechanism. It's where it's at.

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