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have a little problem with NAT weathers


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Hi. So i selected ''dark and gloomy'' preset, and its great and rains all the time. But at night there are no auroras, the sky is always cloudy and black. Maybe its intentional, but i would like to have night sky with auroras instead of pitch black everything.

Also i have a question. Is it possible to have with obsidian weathers only winter or autumn season? Personally i would have chosen one of those weather mods cause they look amazing, but obsidian has sunny bright days and nat this black night skies. (so i have chosen aequinoctum because i can select in which season i want to play, but still i dont like the yellow bright lighting).


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Those questions are probably best suited for the post section of each mod you are referring too. This section is for troubleshooting. The mods post section is for the "how to use a mod" questions. Good luck

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