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Creating your own greenhouse


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Hey guys, I am trying to get the BYOHplantersoil (s) to work in my costum house mod, Ofcource you probably need to activate them with something as they do not work ingame yet. I tried a coulple of things myself, but sadly.... I did not made any progression. On the internet I can't find ANYTHING... about it. Perhaps one of you know how to? Thanks in advance.
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- Place BYOHPlanterSoil in your cell.


- Place BYOHPlanterNPC in your cell, hide it behind a wall and/or set it to initially disabled.


- Double-click on the soil, move to the linked ref tab. Choose the BYOHPlanterNPC as linked ref, no keyword.


- There's a bug in the BYOHPlanterSoilScript, the following line will prevent the planted item from getting removed:


(PlanterContainer as BYOHPlanterContainerScript).GrowPlantedItem()


Well, it's not really a bug, but the same function is already executed by the BYOHPlanterContainerScript, so things get doubled up.

If you want to correct this, better make a new script. You should avoid to modify original scripts.


Edit: You can also use BYOHPlanterContainer instead of BYOHPlanterNPC, but since it's not an actor, it has no gift menu.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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