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Body type changing depending on an equiped armor


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I'm not sure if any of you guys have ever looks at an amazing armor for a UNP body on the Nexus and thought that it would be nice to have it in game but be stopped because you are using some other body type like CBBE for example.

The mod i was thinking of is a mod that could change your characters body type depending on an armor that you equip in game, that way you could be using CBBE as a default body for a naked character but have it change when ever you equip an armor designed for a UNP body.

I don't know if such mod already exists and if so could any one direct me to it?

bet i am not the first one to think of an idea for this kind of a mod.


I apologize for my not so good English as it is not my primary language and thanks for taking the time to read this topic :happy:

Edited by qwertyuiopxD
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Every armor mod does that, if I understood correctly what you are asking.


See, the armor is not really equipped on top of the body. Rather the whole body is exchanged by the armor plus pieces of the matching body (if skin is shown) that come with the armor.

So if you are using UNP and equip a CBBE armor you will get a CBBE body shape because the entire body is replaced. You will not get your UNP body with a CBBE armor clipping through it.


Details why it may not work as flawlessly: Hands, feet and head are not exchanged. So you might get broken ankles if say the arm size is vastly different. I'm fairly sure CBBE and UNP both line up with vanilla and therefore with each other but with all the other mods and bodyslide etc I wouldn't bet on it.

The texture may look funny, because those CBBE body bits that come with the armor will use your UNP texture. Depending on which body parts are visible it may look ok... or not so much.


In any case: Install that armor and have a look for yourself. It won't eat your save game or burn your PC.

(Still, make a backup better safe than sorry.)

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