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Guards body


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Hi guys,


Im experimenting an issue with my Oblivion...

I installed different mods about changing the textures and meshes.

Everything is fine but one thing... The body of ALL guards (whatever the city) vanished... When I play, I can only see their weapons and their heads...


Do you know where this issue can come from ?

Which folder should I inspect ?



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  On 12/9/2012 at 2:18 PM, Rorah said:

Hi guys,


Im experimenting an issue with my Oblivion...

I installed different mods about changing the textures and meshes.

Everything is fine but one thing... The body of ALL guards (whatever the city) vanished... When I play, I can only see their weapons and their heads...


Do you know where this issue can come from ?

Which folder should I inspect ?




Not sure how much help I can be, as this is a new one for me but:


Under Oblivion/Data/Meshes/Armor, check the "townguardan", "townguardbra", etc. folders and make sure they have files in them.

Do the same with the Oblivion/Data/Textures/Armor, checking the same folders there. If either or both are somehow missing the files, that's likely the source of the problem, and they need to be put back.


If the files are in place, then the problem is likely one of the mods you installed is looking for those files elsewhere, and they're not installed (you may have overwritten them while installing one of the mods.) There's a few solutions you can try:


1. Check which mods you installed change the guard's armor, and re-install the meshes/textures that came with them.

2. If you just want to go back to the vanilla guard armors and NOT re-install the entire game, download BSACommander (http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/3311) and use that to extract the vanilla files (from Oblivion-Meshes.bsa and Oblivion-Textures Compressed.bsa). This page (http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/How_to_extract_BSA_files_using_BSA_Commander) will give you pretty much all the instructions you'll need to use BSA Commander.


Beyond that, not sure what else to offer; my methods tend to be pretty blunt and inelegant, so maybe someone else here can offer a better solution?

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Use this tool: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/21862 to find out what is missing. Don't manually install your mods; that is one way ticket to headache and waste of time. Use Wrye Bash for installing and BOSS for sorting the mod order. Here are some useful guides: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/35230 and here: http://tescosi.com/wiki/Oblivion
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