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Constant health damage in Soul Cairn


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I chose to let Serena partially soultrap me when I went into the Soul Cairn, but instead of my attributes getting debuffed, I'm having my health drained constantly. Not just near the giant soulgems, but everywhere. Even after leaving the Soul Cairn, the drain health effect stays. Fast traveling, sleeping, waiting, drinking a cure poison/disease potion, eating soul husks or becoming a werewolf, nothing what I do helps. My active effects just has my standard effects listed, nothing out of the ordinary. The rate at which I lose HP is rather slow and I think it's a fixed amount. Toggling godmode in console or becoming Ethereal don't prevent me from suffering damage and getting killed.

The only mods I'm using are SkyUI and the unofficial Skyrim and Dawnguard patches. Does anyone have a solution? I can't really find anything about my problem elsewhere.

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