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Fallout Wanderers Edition


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So i've been messing around with this FWE mod ingame (which i always enjoy) when this weird incident occurred. So I just randomly started a fight with one of the caravan traders which were protected by decently equipped guards (FWE feature) , the strange thing is whenever i kill a guard, all his/her apparel just randomly disappear, and since i have nude mods installed, it becomes pretty awkward. I can't even loot their dead bodies, but all their weapons can be picked up, since they drop their firearms the very minute they die (and lose their clothes at the same time). So I am beginning to wonder are guards intended to work that way with the FWE system or did i screw up something ? Are they supposed to get stripped off of everything and drop their weapons without being able too be frisked or looted ? thanks in advance mates.
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