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Great FPS, annoying Screen Tear HELP

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Hi so recently got great fps hurrah! But now i have a annoying screen tear. I'm thinking it might be something in my .ini settings. If you want to know I'm using BGP Beautiful Performance Guide. I also have Skyrim SE script extender if that changes anything. It has a pre made ini file that I applied recently to my MO2 ini settings. I also have Nvidia control panel and Nvidia Profile Inspector.

On both of my ini settings in MO2 I have the bLockFramerate=0, and on the SKYRIM.INI at the bottom I added [HAVOK] which under it has iMaxtime=0.0169

I also have a 1980x1080p monitor and this is a laptop.


On the Inspector I have these settings enabled

Frame Rate Limiter is set to 58 FPS

Preferred Refresh rate- Use the 3D application setting

Triple Buffering- On

Vertical Sync- Force On

Vertical Sync Smooth AFR behavior- Off

Vertical Sync Tear Control- Adaptive(without this setting I drop FPS)

Texture filtering-Quality= High performance

Power Management mode= Adaptive

All of the other settings are normal as always.


IF anyone out there can please tell me what I am missing that would be great!

Edited by WebbProductions2020
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Guest deleted80903

Screen tearing is typically a VSync setting issue. It should be on by default in Skyrim's engine; it's OK to turn it off, but only if you replace it via your graphics card driver settings, ENB settings, or something else.

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