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Can't recruit any other followers.


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Hi there. I hope someone can help me with this problem because I don't wanna do a game re-install. I've played for quite some time now and during this time I recruited Odvar the Afflicted and Lydia and everything was fine. I didn't use them a lot because I used to go solo. After a time I wanted to recruit more companions but I don't have the option to ask them to join. I can tell Lydia or Odvar to follow me and they are doing so but other then them I can't recruit any other. The dialogue line that makes them joins is missing altogether but only for those that I didn't already recruited. For Lydia and Odvar who I use in the past that line is still there and they work just fine. I use UFO and that is the only mod that I think alters companion behavior currently installed. I used BOSS but it didn't show any problems with my mods. I've also tried the "set playerfollowercount to 0" and it din't hep at all. Anyone has any ideas or has seen this happening before. Please help. Edited by Seby
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