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The NPC named Al in vigilant


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Guest deleted80903

In general, it's best to wait until you're done with a whole questline before you kill off NPCs. Al might not be needed, but you might screw things up with his faction by killing him, even if no one sees you doing it.


Sometimes mod creators do stupid things like make enemies part of the Dark Brotherhood faction or whatever. Thing is, if the player actually IS with the Dark Brotherhood, and they kill those NPCs, it can then cause the player to have to pay a bounty with the Dark Brotherhood to continue the questline.


It's annoying how things can be connected like this.

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Guest deleted80903

Ah, got it. Yeah, should be fine. It would be better to open the console, click him, and type disable though. That way he's still there if some script needs him, but he won't bother you.


Alternatively, you could get the mod EFF - Extensible Follower Framework, use that to fully force-recruit him, and then dismiss him or tell him to live somewhere and stay there.

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