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Simple Dual Wield


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Simply make the dual wield one mouse key only, instead of rmb=left weapon and lmb=right weapon, it would be lmb or rmb=swapping left and right (like assassin's creed 3 dual wield for example), I'm sure many of you would disagree with this idea but I really don't feel comfortable with hitting different mouse buttons in a sequence to do the proper combos, i just get immediately irritated and go back to one handed or shield+weapon, i've been playing skyrim for a year now and never played the way i liked because of this...


ps.: i've searched a lot and i haven't found a mod like this, always lead to misleading titles, so if there's one can someone please link it? Also if nobody want to make the mod could at least tell me if there's a way to do it, and how, so i can make the mod myself?

ps².: actually i found a mod (a very popular dual wield parry mod) wich has one version were the mod alters the attacks making lmb randomly swing the left or right weapon and rmb for parrying, it didn't work for me, lmb just swing the right sword and rmb used the parry stance, but that means my idead is plausible.

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i think you misunterstood the request, it was my bad anyway (even quoting assassins like an example i think it sounded ambiguous) i dont want so swap the keys, it's more like 1 key for the both weapons, got it? like, only LMB and by pressing it first time it would swing the left weapon, the second time would be the right weapon, the forth=the left, fifth=right and so on...
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i think you misunterstood the request, it was my bad anyway (even quoting assassins like an example i think it sounded ambiguous) i dont want so swap the keys, it's more like 1 key for the both weapons, got it? like, only LMB and by pressing it first time it would swing the left weapon, the second time would be the right weapon, the forth=the left, fifth=right and so on...


ok I see what you are asking for. I'm surprised nobody has done that already.

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