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Help! I've lost my vampire eyes!


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I haven't played my vamp character in a long time, so I was really surprised when I loaded her save and found that her vampire eyes were gone! Instead, they were a normal yellow-orange (like Adrianne Avenicci's eyes).


I had the Underworld Vampire Eyes mod installed. What is strange is that every NPC vamp still has those eyes as usual, even Serana...just not my char anymore!


As an experiment, I used the setrace command to turn her back into her regular Nord race. She got her old mortal eyes back (ice blue). But when I used the same command to set her back to the NordRaceVampire, the yellow eyes were there again.


Just to be clear, these yellow eyes are not vampire eyes at all...just normal eyes that you can pick at chargen.


Something has set the player vampire eyes to a normal eye texture and I don't know how to fix it. I really hope someone can help me. :(

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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