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Idle Animation Question


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Hi all,


I've been experimenting with various idle animations for my camping mod, and I wanted to allow the player to sit by the fire, or warm hands,etc.


When I invoke the warming hands by the fire script, it works fine. When I try to have the player sit cross-legged by the fire, using the idle animation variable "IdleSitCrossLeggedEnter" however, the player doesn't respond.


..Some other idle animations work, others do not. Are there certain conditions that must be met for idle animations to fire?




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I figured it out.


..And i'm going to be "good guy greg" and say to overcome it, some animations you can play using playidle, and some you need to use like this:




so bam, done, solved. any problems send me a msg :)


Hi all,


I've been experimenting with various idle animations for my camping mod, and I wanted to allow the player to sit by the fire, or warm hands,etc.


When I invoke the warming hands by the fire script, it works fine. When I try to have the player sit cross-legged by the fire, using the idle animation variable "IdleSitCrossLeggedEnter" however, the player doesn't respond.


..Some other idle animations work, others do not. Are there certain conditions that must be met for idle animations to fire?




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You are confusing a little bit. With playIdle() you play Idles, with SendAnimEvent() you send AnimEvents, as the names suggest. :D


AnimEvents are defined in the behaviors. And you cannot add more, unless you fiddle around in the behavior files.

Idles are defined with the CK. And there they use AnimEvents as a necessary parameter. Since most (not all) Idles defined use the same names as their referenced AnimEvents, it looks like most AnimEvents can be called with PlayIdle(), and some cannot.


And some AnimEvents can neither be called as AnimEvents, nor as Idles. Because they need some behavior and/or engine pre-requisite before they work.

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