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Difficulty changing NPC Appearence


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I wanted to change Nimriel into one of the nymphs from the battle nymphs mod. I followed the instructions from NPC Visual Transfer but when I load the game, she has brown face, no hair, and invisible hands. So obviously it is a mesh/texture issue. However, because I am just starting to use this, I have no idea how to resolve this. I am using MO 2.0, and I could not find the VNPC data folder anywhere in the overwrite (if there is supposed to be one). I only see the vnpc.esp and .ini in there. I tried looking for mesh and texture folders in the overwrite for either Skyrim or battlenymphs, but I could not find any. And in xEdit, only the tint values are red—the rest are all green.


Apologies for asking such a novice question because I am new to this as aforementioned. Also, is there a way to use a NPC replacer (e.g. Bijin) and apply those textures to another NPC?

Edited by Aethemera
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