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Weapon Animation


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Hello All!

This is my first attempt at even using the GECK and I just wanted some help from the members of the Nexus community. I just downloaded "The Refuge" ( http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/14605 ) Which comes with some HK416 SOPMOD assault rifles. Now these weapons come with vertical grips. I then downloaded RH New Weapon animations (http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/15883) because it has a vertical grip animation. My problem is I don't know how to edit the animation of the HK416's in the geck. Any help would be much appreciated.

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TheChaplain - Hello!


Weapons using Rogue Hallow's vertical grip should have the settings:


Animation Type:


Rifle - Automatic (2 Hand)


Grip Animation:




You obviously need to have placed the new vertical grip animations properly in your Fallout 3 folder. They come in the correct folder structure so follow that as a guide.


It's been a little while since I installed mine so let me know if you have any trouble & I'll double check I didn't miss a setting. :)


Hope this helps!



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