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Ebony Odogaron Texture Correction


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It may only be me but I think the new Odogaron variant's texture is a bit lazy. the original Odogaron had white bony protrusions and spines (possibly even bones) running down it's back and covering it's tail. Ebony Odogaron just makes these the same color as the rest of it's body. I feel that it would make more sense and look much cooler if Ebony were to have these protrusions and spines a standing out like original Odogaron. I am not sure if anyone else agrees with me, but if anyone does and If there is an artist who could and would make this fix, whether you want to just copy paste that part of the texture over and do some blending or replicate the protrusions but tweak the coloring to be more brown or red it's up to you, but the fix would be much appreciated.

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