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Item Crafting Suggestions

Surgical Scar

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I'd say the rad goggles would likely work in much the same way as the Rockit' Launcer, just... don't... ask.

Also, Nuka Cola Quantum isn't the blood of Christ, Bawls is the blood of Christ, at least it is in any church that truly appreciates people getting up early sunday morning to listen to a priest droning on about being a good person.

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On the Roach Ranch, I think using Potatoe Chips would be better. Also what about Ant Ranch and use Sugar Bomb as the treat. Mount Cameras on Ant or Roaches so You can see around corners and into other rooms.


About the Frank-N-PC We would use the WorkBench and create Seperate packages to combine to reslult into a Full Fighting Companian.


Part 1:

Mutilated Arms (2)

Mutilated Legs (2)

Mutilated Head

Mutilated Torso


Part 2:

Mutilated Organs

Fission Battery


Purified Water


Part 3:






Part 4:

Weapon (any)

Armor (any)

Head Gear (any)

Leather Belt


Combine Parts 2 and 3, 1 and 4, then Combine Body with Insides. And use a Super Mutant as the Model.

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its not necessary to use only 4 parts, but im not sure whats the limit

and i like the idea of making your own Frankenstein army, opposed to those robot lovers :D but it should be quest-related one and only schematics

it should need a lot of stuff and something hard to find... something like this:


Mutilated Arms (2)

Mutilated Legs (2)

Mutilated Head

Mutilated Torso

Mutilated Organs

Leather armor

Leather Belt (2)

Nail board (2)


Wonderglue (5)

Fission Battery

Conductor (4)

Sensore module

Powerfist (2)

Robobrains brain (new item!)

Androids part (very rare, i found 3)

Raider Wastehound helmet! (so we wont see ITs ugly face)

(maybe even power armor?)

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Hmm, how about this:


Rocket-Propelled Frag Mines

As small as a grenade, but can be thrown in a straighter arc and sticks to surfaces. Explodes once a victim is within 1.7ft.


Needs: ~ Makes 3

3x Frag Mine

3x Frag Grenade

3x Wonder Glue

1x Sensor Module


Air-Powered Grenade Launcher

Shoots bouncy frag grenades, of which is timed like the grenade, or explodes automatically once it hits a target. Has a longer arc and straighter shot, since it has modified frag grenades being shot out of the gun.



1x Rock-It-Launcher

2x Sensor Module

1x Fire hose Nozzle


Ammo: 5 Grenade Launcher rounds...

5x Frag Grenade

5x Bobby Pin

1x Conductor

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As much as I'd like to do something with secondary-controlled critters, I'd really have no way to even begin doing that, and even when the CS comes out, I'd be suprised if anyone actually does it.


The Frankenstein idea is certaintly making more sense, however. Perhaps if it was based off' three model types, depending on how you finish the Quest:


Feral Ghoul: Stealthy, Weak, Smart enough to do Dogmeat Tasks.


Sentient Ghoul: All-rounder, can use weapons, armour, etc, but won't do any 'tricks'.


Super Mutant: Dumb, but strong and tough. Limited to melee weapons, though (otherwise it'd just be a game-breaker if you had your own pet Super Mutant kitted out with Vengance)

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