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Item Crafting Suggestions

Surgical Scar

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Hmm, I can try combining a railway gun with bottle cap mines for a huge remote timed damage over a long distance.


Railway Mine Launcher

Launches a modified rail with a bottle cap mine attached to it, Explodes after 3 seconds upon contact on a surface dealing incredible damage.



1x Railway Gun

1x Rock-It-Launcher

1x Conductor

1x Sensor Module


Optional: 1x Sniper Rifle for a Zoomed ability...


Ammunition: Makes 1

1x Bottlecap mine

10x Rail (welding them)

1x Wonder Glue

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Hmm, It is much better to craft ammunition for the Grenade Launchers and Mine launchers seperately, as the Mine Launcher is similar to a railway gun and pins bottle cap mines to surfaces.


More stuff,


Timed C4:

Can be stuck on any surfaces in reach, has a timed explosion, or explodes if shot at.


1x Bottle cap Mine

1x Pilot Light

2x Conductor

2x Sensor Module


Laser Trip Mine:

Can be placed on any surfaces but only explodes once the laser has been tripped. Can explode from damage, thus is able to make a chain of these on a wall to cover more area.


1x Frag Mine

2x Sensor Module

1x Conductor

1x Pilot Light


Remote Detonator:

By removing the parts in a Chinese pistol, and adding electronic parts to it. The gun is now a detonator that is set to detonate any explosive it is set to.


1x Chinese Pistol

1x Pilot Light

2x Sensor Module

2x Conductor

1x Wonder Glue

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Whats more fun than pinning enemies with a railway gun? Pinning 4 or more under 5 seconds!


Railway Mini-gun:

By Combining a Railway gun with a Mini-gun, It can fire railway spikes to pin enemies at a much greater velocity.

Accuracy is lost a bit when compared to a mini-gun though...


1x Railway Gun

1x Mini-Gun

3x Wonder Glue

1x Conductor


Ammunition: Makes 100 R.M.G. Spikes

50x Railway Spikes

1x Bone Saw

1x Hammer

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I came up with the next Super Weapon... Rail Gun! No it isn't just a railway gun with a Plasma Gun, its much much greater than that.


Plasma Rail Gun:

Unleashes a Large Plasma Shot that penetrates through a Straight Line. 6 charges per reload.


1x RGM (above post)

1x Missile Launcher Chassis (See Bottom)

2x Plasma Gun

2x Fission Battery

2x Pilot Light


Ammunition: 6 Plasma Charges

60x Plasma Gun [ammo]

6x Conductor

6x Scrap Metal


This Super Weapon Dishes out huge damage, slightly less than a nuke, but can be used indoors.


Missile Launcher Chassis:

And empty hollow part of the Missile Launcher, can be used to craft a variety of Big Guns.


1x Missile Launcher

1x Bone Saw

1x Hammer


EDIT: Forgot to add that Plasma Rail Gun is a Big Gun + Energy Weapon, so the skill usage for rail guns would be BG + EW / 2 and critical has a chance to disintegrate multiple enemies hit.

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explosive detonators!! rig it to a car a fuel barrel a fireextinguisher a whatever that explodes.. have several types of detonator. time, trip, prox, and remote :D


make e'm workbenchable..


1 prox det= 1x frag mine "it's allredy prox, but u only use it's detonator"


1 time det= 1x pulse mine, 1x sensor module, 1x fission battery


1 remote det= 1x plasma mine, 1x sensor module, 1x camera, 1x fission battery


1 trip det= 1x frag mine, 1x surgical tubing, 2x rail spikes, 1x sensor module.



and some explosives to go with ur new detonators :)


1 kilo bag of anfo "ammonium nitrate and fuel oil" = 1x detergent, 1x abraxo, 10x flamer fuel,


5 kilo bag of anfo =5x detergent, 5x abraxo, 50x flamer fuel


1 kilo RDX "stronger than anfo" = 1x abraxo, 1x jet, 1x psycho, 1x nuka cola quantum, 1X pressure cooker "to boil the good stuff"


rigged mini nuke = 1x nuke, 1x conductor, 2x bobby pin,


fire bottle= 1x empty bottle, 10x flamer fuel. "put in the pile of explosives to add a "molotov coktail" effect.. boom! burn"




i really hope i se this as a mod one day.. think about a 200 kilo anfo bahemoth trap.. or maybe rigg a tunnel with rdx and fire bottles on remote. just lure those ferals in there and booom!!! would be fun methinks :P

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I just thought of something, in Vault 101 when you take the G.O.A.T. one answer to a question was to use a Cherry Bomb to open a Locked Door, are we able to do that outside the Vault or what.


Also I don't think it should be a mission for the Frank-NPC but a schematic you find in the basement of hospital. And I thought you were limited to 4 Parts per Item. If not yeh just make a bunch of parts you need including all the drugs, medical tools and mutilated parts. And having 3 types you can create is cool. Super Mutant melee, Ghoul shooter and Feral ghoul Mine layer/Distracter (runs around you and takes damage).


Maybe modify a Railgun to do minimal damage but stick enemies to the wall so you can leave them hang there or so you can walk up and punch the silly out of them.

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The Rail gun is not a railway gun, an easier way to explain it:

Think of the chassis of the Fatman combined with a Gatling Laser, or so.

Then imagine that the gun fires a huge beam out of it.


Ill put some pics for those who doesn't know what it looks like:




In reality, Rail guns are just a type of way to shoot something using it's propulsion, but in video games, it is usually a type of big energy weapon that dishes out huge damage and a large beam.


An article on the rail gun and it's testing.


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