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How Do I Port The Any Armour On Any Clothing To PS4


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Hello everybody!


I was about to play Fallout 4 on my PS4 again when I realized a mod I've used before is no longer available.


The mod in question is this one here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12421/

and the topic was once discussed long ago here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/60rqb0/fo4_ps4_any_mods_that_let_you_wear_any_armor_over/df8tggv/


I've used this mod before on PS4 but this was back in 2016 or something like that.. sadly now it is no longer available for PS4.


If anyone could either put this awesome mod back into the PS4 or tell me how I could port it to PS4 that would be really great.

I know that there is another mod, which supposedly does something similar : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18489


However in my opinion the "Armour On Any Clothing"-Mod is way better for it is much simpler. The "UCO"-Mod adds a lot of stuff to the game which I don't want and all clothes

have to be crafted which breaks the immersion for me.. (cannot just pick up the stuff I find and wear it on the go as I see fit). Besides that, I never got it to work properly anyway.


I just want to be able to wear for example a helmet, sunshades and a bandanna at the same time, which worked perfectly fine with the "Armour On Any Clothing"-Mod!


So again If anyone could either put that mod back into PS4 or at least tell me how I can do that myself, I would really appreciate it and it would make me immensely happy!


Thanks a lot!

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