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Stamina Melee Combat Tweak


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I've been trying to find a melee balancing mod for sometime now. I already have mods for magic and stealth balancing, and they don't stray very far from the developers original setup, which is how I like it. These mods don't conflict with much and don't require starting a new character. I've been having trouble finding a mod equivalent to the other two I already have.


There isn't much about the melee combat that I don't like. The aspects of it that bother me revolve around the stamina system mostly. The absorb stamina exploit where you can keep bashing and attacking while the enemy is stun locked is the main culprit. The problem is after a successful hit with an absorb stamina weapon, you're able to bash again or power attack again immediately because as long as you have 1 stamina you can bash or power attack. If you don't use stamina absorb on the hardest difficulties you're often just waiting that extra second or two for a lot of attacks because of the regeneration delay after your stamina hits 0. This makes combat feel shallower and slower than it needs to.


So the solution I think is thus, changing the requirements for stamina based attacks to initiate and several stamina tweaks to compensate and make combat a little more tactical. Stamina shouldn't be able to be spent unless you have the required amount of stamina. Its simple really, I think it should work in the same way that magicka works; if you don't have enough magicka to cast a spell it won't let you cast it. I'm not sure why stamina works differently. So that needs to be fixed first and foremost.


Now stamina needs to be tweaked in order to compensate for this because obviously you aren't going to be able to land as many hits as you could before in the same amount of time. This is a good chance to not only balance out this new issue but to make combat flow a little better and add a bit of tactical realism to it. Stamina regeneration in combat needs to be raised quite a bit at this point, then raising the required amount of stamina to bash and power attack needs to be raised some too. This will make the combat feel more fast paced and make you really plan out that next bash or power attack at the same time.


I know I don't have any values to throw out there right now but this all just came to mind. I'm going to do some research and crunching so I can come back with suggestions. But as of right now its just a basic outline. I have a feeling I'm not the only one thats been wanting a mod like this for a while now. A couple of notes on block really quick...I just thought of a couple possibilities with block related stamina tweaks. Possibly now blocking an attack will either cost a bit of stamina or at least cause regeneration to stop and delay for a second (as if you just ran out of stamina). Either one would pretty effectively mimic the effect I want blocking to have on stamina.


Anyway thanks for any feedback. I have no modding experience and the whole idea of learning still sounds a bit daunting to me. So any help with this project would be greatly appreciated. The only thing I ask is to give me some credit. Feel free to message me personally with any questions or comments.

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