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wulfie 01

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i'm currently stuck on the Mages quest Revealing the Unseen. I'm in the Oculary, I have equipped the focus crystal and I cannot see the light beams that show map. I have the correct spells and when I fire them off at the armillary mirrors and crystal, the spells do not seem to work. I can fire them up in my hands and target the crystal but the spells do not seem to have any power when hitting target. Gahhhhhhh! :( :wallbash:
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Here's the solution from the page i linked to, hasn't failed me yet on multiple playthroughs.



You may wish to save your game before taking the following steps:

  1. If you do not have both the Flames and Frostbite destruction spells, you can climb the ramp at the southeast point in the room and obtain one or both spell tomes from the table there. Only the Frostbite spell is required.
  2. Return to same position you assumed when placing the crystal.
  3. Notice that there are three horizontal blue bands circling the upper portion of the room, each with a round reflector positioned at some point around it.
  4. Direct a Frostbite spell into the middle of the ring where you placed the Crystal. When the beams move, cast a second Frostbite spell. When the beams move again, cast a third Frostbite spell. Note that other combinations of the Flames and Frostbite spells may also work. Do not use other spells.

When you say "equipped" that creates confusion - perhaps you mean "installed" ;)




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