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Aion weapon/armor sets.


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I've always been a fan of Aion. I've been playing it since closed betas and even played Chinese retail a bit. there were a few weapons added for oblivion at one point, but I'd really like to see anything from aion implimented in Skyrim.


http://www.daevasreport.com/aions-fashion-show/ <-- a massive gallery of tons of armor sets from aion. missing some sets but the most accurate one I know of.

http://gameguide.na.aiononline.com/aion/Stormwing%E2%80%99s+Weapons <-- all stormwing series weapons.

www.aionarmory.com or www.aiondatabase.com have model viewers that *usually* display a fairly accurate version of armor or weapons, minus the colors.


If you decide this task is worth your effort, you can read how to access the aion sub-folders and correct directories for various armors here: http://gamevixenzone.ryonani.com/resource-modding-17/guide-how-mod-aion-52/ (while this particular page is clean, GVZ is not really a SFW site in concept)


I really like the Divine / Sublime Coliseum Champion’s gear for men (balauria plate section all the way at the bottom). it seems like it would really fit in with the cold wintry lands of Skyrim. Thanks to anyone and everyone who gives this thread a read and considers modding.

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I actually have a huge number of Aion weapons (including bows, shields, and orbs) in .obj format. I tried (without success) to get them imported into Oblivion back in the day, and posts for help or advice went largely ignored so I stopped trying. I'm sure my problem was fixable with Nifskope, but I'm actually terrible at Nifskope and couldn't get it figured out.


The sword I was trying to import to figure out the process looked fine placed in the world, though my attempt at a bumpmap apparently didn't take. In the inventory it looked pure black, and if you dropped it it would pass right through the ground and be gone forever. I tried flipping normals, etc, but nothing seemed to work.


The blender nif exporter may have been to blame (very confusing btw), or maybe it was just me. I haven't tried converting anything to nif since.


If you google for sapphire rose, you'll find a small handful of Aion stuff converted to skyrim, and there were some bows that had been converted to an Oblivion mod that might be directly convertible to Skyrim using a utility.

Edited by Sunfall
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