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What is making this happen to my armor


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Hi, I've been working on a suit of armor lately, it's having ups and down but at the moment I have this wierd issue where a select few faces on the mesh stretch halfway across tamriel, I've uploaded a photo for people to look at.


I think it has something to do with weighting or the skeleton but I'm not entirely certain or maybe there's too great a difference in the meshes for _0 & _1 though I don't see how as 1 is only slighter larger than 0 with no new vertices or anything. (I used 3ds max to build this, for the people who want a better understanding of my proccess)

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Is that picture at an intermediate weight? But weight slider all the wey right or left looks ok?

In order to create the intermediate sizes the game needs to connect each vertex from _0 to one in _1. The vertices are numbered. Certain operations like joining or splitting objects, adding or removing vertices will reorder the numbers.

So best finish one mesh first, then make a copy of that and adjust it by pulling the verts into the new place. Scaling and rotating is ok aswell. But no splitting, merging, extruding and all that.


It is a bit strange though that it's only those few verts giving trouble. I always achieved to fully explode my mesh. :D

Edited by Grimoa
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That was the problem, nicely spotted :) could you suggest a quick and easy way to expand the mesh to size 1, also while I'm asking for help the texture in the image isn't meant to be that color (I export template from nif scope to paint the UV's) but for some reason when I go in game the uv map has all squashed up into one corner so it only dislpays the color in that part


Just double checked the uv map in nif scope and everything is still positioned where it should be so I'm lost now

Edited by Shoneah0Tokala
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Sorry I didn't respond, I somehow lost track of this topic.


Well, the only method I know for creating the _1 mesh is already outlined above.

Finish _0 with everything including weight painting and UV map. (Best check it ingame a this point, just use a copy of _0 renamed to _1.)

(In Blender or 3dsmax) Make a copy of the _0 mesh, go into edit mode and pull the verts into the new place. You can pull several verts at once, you can scale and rotate the selected verts.

I moved the object in object mode once, it will not cause vertex explosions but it will not scale correctly either. The "center point" of _0 and _1 objects has to be the same. So if you move the object in object mode make sure to set the object's center to (0,0,0) for both objects. Or work in edit mode only for the _1 mesh.

Hope that's not too confusing.


There's no shortcurt to create the _1 mesh, at least none that I know of. it's a pain, I know, but that's how Skyrim armor works. Good luck getting your users to appreciate your extra work!


As for the texture issue, I'm not sure i follow. Could you do a few sreenshots showing the UV map and where it went wrong?

Also I heard the latest nifscope is giving some people trouble, maybe try using an older one.

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Check out Nightasy.com. he has all the tutorials you need to create an armor mod.


Now, specifically, your problem is the weight slider. its a tricky thing and can be very touchy.


remember, the _0 mesh and the _1 mesh have to be EXACTLY the same in order for it to work.


to simplify, if you made an armor with 3 vertices in a triangle (just for an example, stay with me) and saved that as the _0 mesh, then added a vertex to the _1 mesh, you'd explode in-game. they have to be exactly alike in terms of vertex count and file size. the _1 mesh is just the _0 mesh with the 3 vertices enlarged. or, in the case of real armor, things like chest plates and shoulders as well as arms are enlarged, but never are vertices deleted or added.


I've developed a method where i take the vanilla armor in 3ds and remove the exact number of vertices on both sizes to get it to work, so its "vanilla weighted"


Also, i forgot to mention. its not just number of verts, its WHAT vert you delete. so you may have 3,400 verts on both sizes and it still blows up. that's because the some verts were deleted on _0 that weren't on _1.

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