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Geralt - Mod Fiasco Magnet

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I've been having an issue where my game will not start when I have certain mods loaded. It's been causing me to pull my hair out for God's knows how long... but I finally figured it out. Sorta.


Any mod I attempt to use that edits Geralt in any fashion do not work together. I think it may go deeper than this, because I notice it when I use things like the curvy Yen mod or NPC Scabbards.

If I have more than one mod that affects Geralt, the game will again not start when I press play. Things like Geralt Cloak, Lore Friendly Witcher, etc.

I'll have these in the Mod folder, but WSM doesn't catch there are any conflicts. Even when I know if I have both "modGeraltCloak" and "modGerskin" in at the same time, the game will not start.


What do these mods share? How come WSM doesn't catch these conflicts? I attached a list of the mods I'm currently using. Not shown is a debug enabler, and the mods I pulled from the folder because of this incompatibility issue.


Any other info required I'll happily give. And maybe this'll help someone in the future that's having this issue as well.

Edited by Sabberblazer
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