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.dds plugin for Paint Shop Pro 9


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While I don't have a link for you, I think I have just what you're looking for... The readme for the one I have says it's for PSP 9. I use the plugin for PSP Photo X2 and it works just fine in there. I use it for creating textures for Fallout 3. You can try Googling for this filename: PSP-ddsSave.zip.


If you don't have any luck with that try PM'ing me with your e-mail address and I'll see if I can send it to you!

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While I don't have a link for you, I think I have just what you're looking for... The readme for the one I have says it's for PSP 9. I use the plugin for PSP Photo X2 and it works just fine in there. I use it for creating textures for Fallout 3. You can try Googling for this filename: PSP-ddsSave.zip.


If you don't have any luck with that try PM'ing me with your e-mail address and I'll see if I can send it to you!



Thank you, you are an absolute STAR! I am incredibly grateful. If I have any bother finding it, I will PM you, THANK YOU :)

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