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Over the top Spells


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In my opinion, the spells in Skyrim are far too.... puny. They don't capture my interest. Basically, I'm asking for someone to make a much more fancy, over the top spells mod.


Like, for instance, in the school of destruction, the higher your skill level in that school, the larger/more dramatic your spells are. Maybe Flames reaches farther, and goes faster- maybe runes become larger, maybe more electricity flies around. Maybe even larger Atronachs (maybe a setting for these :D).


This is a cosmetic mod request, because there are already enough mods that make them scale in damage and what not, but non for size.


I'm just sick of small, boring spells.


I just want something that'll look badass in a screenshot! Not those wimpy things.... it's kinda holding me back from using magic.

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