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Constant Freezing W/Mods


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and I have to kill it via task manager.


I know that FO3 has a unstable engine that doesn't take well to lots of mods, but this is a clean install with fewer mods then I was running in the last install.


Anyway, it might just be a AWOP bug, or something with my load order, but I'm always crashing in the Springvale Sewers. Once it was a instant freeze when I loaded the save, but most of the time it take a couple minutes to freeze.


Load order (This is my most recent, had but removed Fellout and WMK and a couple of optional FO3-WE patches (Followers Enhanced and Restore Tracers) to cut mods in hopes that it would solve the freezing. Didn't work.)




*FO3 DLC's*



The Libarian

ArefuExpanded 1.7/Crimson Caravan 1.3

Project Genesis

Alton, IL


FO3 Wanders Edition - Main File.esm



FO3 Wanders Edition - Main File.esp

*FO3 WE DLC Patches*







Devoured In Darkness



The Traveler Project


As I said, might just be AWOP being annoying, might not be. But I've tried a bunch of diffrient load orders, nothing worked, removing mods, didn't work, and tried letting BOSS handle the load order, didn't work either. Hell, I've even tried a couple of cracked launchers just for the hell of it. (Ever since Ubisoft released a cracked launcher as a 'bugfix', I've taken to trying this whenever a game gives me issues.)


Anyway, 3gb patch is added, Threaded AI is set to 1 in all of the ini's (Had freezing before this), and I'm launching via NMM with FOSE enabled. The install is from a physical copy of the GOTY edition.


Edit - System specs. 4 GB DDR3 ram, AMD 3 GHZ Tricore processor, ASUS Nividia Geforce 520 video card. The only hardware change since the last time I played FO3 was adding the Geforce 520 to replace the integrated Radeon 4200.

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asdfth12 - Hello!


Random freezing is almost always the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


You mention yours is a "Tricore processor" so this could be affected.


"I'm always crashing in the Springvale Sewers"


That also points to the multi core bug as it often manifests in tight locations.


I read your "Threaded AI is set to 1 in all of the ini's " but have you also done the second line to the fix?




Because that's probably the most important one.


You also want to make sure you've changed the correct .ini, the one you want to change is:


For XP:


My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


For Vista & Win7:


Documents\My Games\Fallout3


The file you want will be called:




Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








& insert this line under it:




Save & close your ini.


Hope this helps!



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Grah, I knew I was missing a step. I read somewhere that those ini edits would resolve a lot of the crashing, but the only edit I remembered was the threadedai one. Probably it since I got crashes without mods in the school, within a minute of entering.


Would it help to change inumhavokthreads and ipreloadsizelimit? (To 2 and doubling preload's current setting.)


Edit - Looks fixed now. Managed about half of the sewers, no crashes (Before it would crash right as or before I reached the end of the entrance hall.



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The preload size limit tweaks are iffy for me. It seems like when I raise the values on a stable game it doesn't take long before I start getting strange freezes and crashes. As a last resort that almost no one uses try to turn off hardware acceleration in your dx. It's the one thing that with the above tweaks caused my games to run flawlessly, I haven't crashed in weeks.
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I read a bit more on that, it's stable to a point. If you have the additional memory, you can double it but any more then that Or if you try putting a odd value. Standard values would be 512 mb, 1024 mb, 2048 mb (Maxium value, anything over would proably be a instant crash.). A odd value would be a inbetween like 768 mb or w/e 1.25/1.5/1.75 gb are, or something random like 1111 mb.


I haven't changed the preload limit on FO3, but I did double the standard value for NV. It might have been a other change (The havokthreads or threadedai) but it's made NV a lot more stable.


I'll enable the rest of my mods and toss on the unofficial fo3 patch since i've got these issues solved. Hopefully those things don't mess something else up.


Anyway. anyone help me on the WMK/FWE FOIP patch? I know to create a merged patch but I'm confused on what all files to use for the merged patch. I've downloaded the FOIP FWE/WMK compatability patches, but I'm not sure what to merge them with. Do I just merge them together, or do I merge them with the seperate WMK patches?

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Protip: Do not use the unofficial fo3 patch. It's 3 years old. Use Fallout Remastered for your bug fixes. Use Blackened to get your mods working together. Both are active and up to date.


For the FOIP WMK/FWE patch just install and merge all your mods like you normally would. If you are really confused by all the patches (and I don't blame you) then just go here

and here
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