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Working on a mod, need tips...


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I've made a "realistic" encumbrance mod for use with Mass and Materials. It's basically my own alternative to Capacity and Carry Weight. Right now it's just for my own personal use.


What I've done:

1. Made a "racial trait" which gives -250 Carry Weight and the doomSteedEncumberPerk (equipped armour is weightless) to all playable races.

2. Took a backpack from the Leather Backpack mod, enchanted it with +200 Carry Weight, and placed it in Helgen Keep for the player to pick up.

3. Set fLevelUpCarryWeightMod=0 so that the player does not get extra Carry Weight by increasing Stamina when they level up.


It works, but with drawbacks. Because of the Steed perk, armour doesn't slow down the player and doesn't make them noisy when sneaking. Also, the armour weight reduction perks in the Light/Heavy Armour skill trees are now useless.


Any ideas for fixes, or a better way I can do this?


Edit: nvm, I figured it out :)

Edited by GSJ1977
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