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Anno 1800

need help please


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i dont usually use mods, and thought I would try them for the Anno1800 game, things were running well, until last week. Thye did an update and issued a new DLC, I guess being new to this I did not know I was to shut down the mods before hand. ANyway, the game runs but not with the mods. How can I get the game to run the mods again. Do I have to remove all traces of the mods and download again. ANy help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


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  • 1 month later...

I too have this issue ... game auto updated to 7.3.931197 and now the mods don't work. Surely someone here has an answer to this, and what can we do to stop it happening in the future.


If this is the wrong place to ask this question could someone point us to the correct place to raise this issue.


Many thanks.

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For you guys above and anyone else that comes here looking. I have found the solution to this problem.


You need to redownload the mod installer (those python35.dll and python35_ubi.dll) that we had to put in when adding the mods at the start.


click where is says 'releases' takes you to


then down the page a little and select 'loader.zip'

Download that, and extract the files

(files are dated 8/5/2020)

copy files to your c:/program diles(x86/ubisoft/ubisoft game launcher/games/anno1800/bin/win64. - Assuming you installed on defaults (at least that's where my game is)

It will ask you overwrite. Thats exactly what you have to do.


Hope this helps everyone

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