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"Timeing is Everything" like mod for Fo4?


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l loved the control over my game that skyrims timeing is everything mod gave me,and l would love if Fo4 had a mod to give me the same amount of control of when certain quests/events happen,like when the dlc quests start,when the zeta ship crashes,when the bos show up,ect.


edit: this mod makes the dlc start at lv one which is what l wanted,though a fo4 timeing is everything would still be great.

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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The "no quest autostart" series of mods are exactly what you're asking for. Also you may want to edit the title since it is timing not timeing.

Thanks for the recommendation,but no,its not "exactly what i'm asking for". That mod just makes it so that once you reach the starting level for the quest the quest wont auto start. What l want is a mod that does what timeing is everything does:make it so you can start the quest as early or late as you want. There are mods that give you the robot workshop and all parts at the start of the game,and there are mods like that one that make it start later/never,but what l want is a mod that lets me chose when to start the dlc/quest/event via a mcm menu (yeah,l know the "M" in mcm stands for menu,and saying mcm menu is kinda redundant,but i dont care).


as for you comment about editing the name,as far as l know that is impossible,do to the way the site works.

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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I would prefer to move automatron encounter location north because there is close rr quest location and a bug:

if you dont speak to Ada when you meet her you might not be able to speak with her ever again.

So you stuck.But as usual nobody cares.

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