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Skyrim list of mods


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Hello everyone,


Just want to list all the mods I am using in Skyrim incase it helps anyone....

so far the game runs smoothly from level 1 to 20,

the graphics are amazing, gameplay is superb,

and I am having a lot more fun with all of these together....

shadows are decent....


I am using SKSE (skyrim script extender)

and I use a PS3 controller

I have my shadows on High in the default launcher options



I made these changes to Documents / My Games / Skyrim / SkyrimPrefs :










This is my first post so please keep it civil,


Thank You.



78 mods

Here it goes:






3rd person animation mod- sprint with magic




additional music bundle 1


AOF believable hair -female and male-


ARMONIZER armors pack


armored mage robes


auto unequip ammo


auto unequip helmet


AUTOFP -automatic first person camera


balanced realistic lighting


bandolier - bags and pouches


become a bard


better dynamic snow


better xbox360 controller


better quest objectives


birds and flocks


birds of skyrim


brawl bugs patch


cloaks of skyrim


convenient horses


correct PS3 button icons


crimson tide


crossbows basic collection


detailed chests texture replacers


dragon magicka reborn


dynamic merchants


ebony mage armor


enhanced blood texture


enhanced night skyrim (color galaxy) (high stars)


faster mining


fishing in skyrim


followers can relax




get snowy


gleaming falls


glowing ore veins 300


HiRes legible road signs


horses gone wild


HQ beards


immersive armors


immersive HUD


immersive weapons


intricate spider webs


JaySuS swords


lively inns and taverns


more village animals


nicer snowflakes


open faced guard helmets


open faced helmets


populated cities


pure waters


ReAL sun


realisting lighting with customization


realistic ragdolls and force


realistic smoke and embers


realistic race armours


simple crosshair


Skyrim -community- uncapper


skyrim perk enhancements and rebalanced gameplay


skyrim realistic overhaul


skyrim school of witchcraft and wizardry


static mesh improvement mod


super realistic ore textures




The witcher 2 models


thieves guild requirements - no auto quest start brynjolf


town guards armor retexture




Ultimate follower overhaul


unofficial dawnguard patch


unofficial skyrim patch


vals crafting meltdown


visible windows


warbugs 3D paper world map


wearable lanterns


wet and cold


Xenius character enhancement








lightweight potions and poisons

Edited by Drumser
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