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Can't activate the console's ExtraInfoWindow

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TL;DR I can't activate the console's ExtraInfoWindow (toggled on/of via TAB key in Oldrim.) I don't know if the feature is part of SKSE, is enabled via a separate mod or is entirely unavailable in SSE and would greatly appreciate anyone with knowledge of the matter enlightening me.


I'm running SSE via MO2 with SKSE64, FNIS, SKYUI, etc. and seem to have everything working well (no weird issues or random CTDs.)


For what it's worth, I've searched generally and here and at LL, and can't find anything on the console's ExtraInfoWindow. Apologies in advance if I've missed something obvious; it isn't obvious to me. :sweat:


PROBLEM SOLVED: In LE ExtraInfoWindow comes from MFG Console. In SE the equivalent comes from More informative console

Edited by fg530ruvb53kfdm89d730dauei
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