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Problems trying to make face presets

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I am currently trying to make a good face preset for my female NV character since all my other attempts at making a half decent PC suck. I'm trying to make her look like the NPC "Bone" from the fallout 3 dlc "The Pitt"

I meticulously copied the face and complexion values and typed them in exactly. But when it came to rendering in New vegas geck what came out from the values of a hot raider babe was something along the lines of Cruella DeVille from the disney cartoons. Does NV use different stuff than FO3 for making faces? And now for some reason its changing the values when I open it back up to different values. :facepalm: Some one please help

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That face is hilarious.


Fire up FO3Edit and FNVEdit so you can copy/paste some values.


Find your NPC record and scroll down to where it says 'FaceGen Data' with 3 subrecords: FGGS, FGGA, and FGTS. They will be several 2-digit hexadecimal values. FGGA is more than likely all zeros, so you ignore it. Copy-paste those fields into your new NPC and it will have the same face as long as the same head mesh and textures are used.


Completely ignore what faces look like in the GECK.

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You can also use those Copy and Paste buttons right there in the FaceAdvanced NPC tab. Just load the pitt esm when you open the geck. open up bone and click 'copy'. Then paste into your NPC. Just make sure the race is the same in the source and destination NPC or it throws off the shape quite a bit.


Then edit the Fallout3.esm master with FO3Edit and change it to FalloutNV.esm, and remove the pitt.esm master.

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You can also use those Copy and Paste buttons right there in the FaceAdvanced NPC tab. Just load the pitt esm when you open the geck. open up bone and click 'copy'. Then paste into your NPC. Just make sure the race is the same in the source and destination NPC or it throws off the shape quite a bit.


Then edit the Fallout3.esm master with FO3Edit and change it to FalloutNV.esm, and remove the pitt.esm master.

When I hit paste in the NV Geck it crashes. Found out I had the race set as Caucasian when bones is caucasianraider. If its set at caucasian raider wont I not be able to select it? But yeah it copies but every time i hit paste it will crash

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That face is hilarious.


Fire up FO3Edit and FNVEdit so you can copy/paste some values.


Find your NPC record and scroll down to where it says 'FaceGen Data' with 3 subrecords: FGGS, FGGA, and FGTS. They will be several 2-digit hexadecimal values. FGGA is more than likely all zeros, so you ignore it. Copy-paste those fields into your new NPC and it will have the same face as long as the same head mesh and textures are used.


Completely ignore what faces look like in the GECK.


How do I copy and paste into the NVedit? I cant find anywhere that will let me paste. I found the values but now cant do anything. Sorry but I'm really green when it comes to the edit programs

nvm found out on that. Does the race have to be the same?

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If you follow these steps you get this: https://dl.dropbox.c.../BonePreset.zip

Open the pitt.esm with FO3Edit. Copy DLC01Bone, with override into new plugin -> BonePreset.esp


Change the formID of DLC01Bone to 02003E4C instead of 01003E4C. Just close/ignore prompt to update references.

Edit the master list:

Change Fallout3.esm to FalloutNV.esm

Right-click on pitt.esm -> remove


Move plugin from FO3 data directory to FalloutNV data directory. Open with FNV Geck.


One problem with switching races is that the geometry of the face will change because of differences in the Race data. So if you switch her to Caucasian, there's a noticeable change from CaucasianRaider.

You can get around that problem by making a custom race - make a copy of CaucasianRaider. Make it playable, and then assign it to her. The face won't change if you do it this way. You could also set custom texture paths in the race if you want. The meshes are all the same as Caucasian.

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Here's how I would do it:


copy your fallout3.esm and pitt.esm to your nv/data directory.

Open pitt.esm in geck

Go to the NPC you want, face advanced, copy

Don't close geck, Go to data->open and tick falloutnv.esm, untick fallout3.esm and pitt.esm

Make your NPC, go to face advanced, paste. Save your plugin.

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