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My first skript - Please give me some nuggets...


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Hi there modders...


I want to start my first mod and could need some advice.


First i want to introduce my script idea : I want to do a Teleport-Script where i can place Teleport-Points around Skyrim with a spell and use an other spell to travel between them. Also it should be possible to delete the Points.

I know that those mods already exist but some dont work like i would like it or they do not exist for Skyrim SE.

Some corner data :

- I want 5 points that can be setup plus 1 extra point that can be set up to a player home.

- Setup and porting should only be possible when no enemy is around


So how i would start up : (please see this as my way and tell me if you would do it different)
1.) i set up a spellbook as an activator. This book will give the user the 3 spells needed. The book will be placed by at a prominant place for the player to find it.

2.) The "create portal stone spell" will place an item to my feet and will be named "Portalstone *name of the cell*".

3.) The "port to portalstone spell" will open a menu (SkyUI ???) where every Portalstone in existance will be listed and i select one to port to.

4.) The "destroy portalstone spell" should be casted onto a portalstone to destroy it. The portalstone count will be reduced so a new one can be set up.


What do you think about It ? Would you do it in a different way ?

So now i would be pleased if some of you can point me to some tutorials, script snippets or something like that that can help me to puzzle that thing together.


Thanks in advance




P.S. : I am german, so excuse my english and feel free to answer in german =)

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As i looked up the mod resource that aoh125 pointed out i realized that the modder that made the resource, DarkFox127, already made exactly the teleport mod i was thinking of.

So there is no need to do it anymore.

But thx for your help, i am thinking of a new mod already.

Edited by Tharalo
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