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Recruiting for Thyra's Bane


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Hello everyone,


The purpose of this post is to introduce my idea for a mod and to recruite skilled partners that have experience with quest building and asset creation/modding.


My mod is a standalone quest called Thyra's Bane that rewards the player with a significant player home. Once the player is in posession of the home, it will require some upkeep, much like a real home does. These upkeep tasks will be interesting and mostly optional (with benefits for completing the tasks). There is an outline for ongoing DLC in the form of side quests that are directly associated with the keep and its back-story. The home itself is called Far Reach Keep. The keep has a lore friendly back story, and the quest itself is lore friendly.


Quest Builder and Papyrus Scripting

For this role I am looking for someone that is comfortable building the quest stages as I have defined them, this will include some scripting in order for me to ensure the player experience is immersive and interesting. The ideal candidate is someone that is happy to let me lead the quest in the direction I want it to go and for me to build the environment, although constructive and honest critique will also be expected.


Asset Creation and Modification

This partner would be responsible for an armor rework and re-texture, and the creation of some custom assets. The person will be familiar with exporting and importing meshes and textures, have experience using NifTools and have access to whatever 3D authoring package you prefer. You may also be given some assets in a compatible format to get into the engine.


We will also require some beta testers, but thats a few weeks/months away, but feel free to register your interest.


It will be a joint venture and we will recruite when we need too, there is another team member already engaged that will be building another key component to the quest in the form of a dungeon.



So far the quest outline has been completed, and the stages identified, although I do want someone to look them over for technical critique. The keep is mostly built, although still needs a lot of detailing (screenshots attached).


This is a non commercial community mod, so we do not have a bankroll, but once we have the quest built, I may be able to fund some professional voice actors, if not we will look to the voice-acting community for assistance.


If you are interested and you are able to commit the time needed to help us with this mod, please reply to this thread or email us at thyrasbane at google dot com. Include your recent experience with Skyrim mods and examples of your work and what role you are interested in.


Many thanks, and I am looking forward to bringing Thyra's Bane and Far Reach Keep to the Skyrim community.



The Keep exterior, you can spot the Sisters of the Nine guarding the entrance...



The Great Hall, Lydia gets excited and feels the need to runaround the big empty space, perhaps I need to navmesh it for her.



The Temple of Dibella (Dibella worshipers feature heavily in the quest)



The keep barracks, and if you look closely you can see Baldrick the caretaker.

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