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Fixin' up quest relationships


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Having done the 'In My Time Of Need' quest for the umpteenth time, I've noticed that Saadia does not become any more inclined towards you, even after you pretty much saved her. Kematu is no better either; he just brushes you off.


So, what I've done, is I've adjusted the quest fragments to include a relationship modifier, making them more friendly with the player, resulting them to become hire-able(With a mod made by yours truly)/marriageable.


Now, if you've already done the quest, the fix is moot. You'll need to use console commands to get a friendship thing going on.


SO! I've taken it upon myself to 'fix' these relationship-un-enhancing quests, turning them into relationship-enhancing quests. However, there are a gajillion quests, and it would be best if this was a community effort; People post on this thread/message me about quests that should have a relationship advancement/detriment to them, and I will swiftly add that in.

When there have been a substantial amount 'fixed', I will upload a mod compiling these fixes, then doing incremental updates.


So yeah. Quests pl0x?


Edit: Decided to do a list of what has been changed.



-Added relationship change for 'My time of need'. Relationshiprank 4. Depending on how you did the quest, you will become more friendly with either Saadia or Kematu.


-Added ability to adopt Mila Valentia if Carlotta Valentia has been married (Will require an additional mod to marry Carlotta. Got a half-baked one that I'm testing.).

Edited by FiftyTifty
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If your going to do this it should be structured right. Avoid editing vanilla records if you can avoid it. I would make a new quest with a script attached that will check every day or so if SomeQuest is completed or not and if it is add the relationship bonus through script. That way if a mod needs to edit a quest your mod wont be incompatible. And you will only need to keep track of a single quest and a single script.
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having too many quests to check will bog down Skyrim's performance.

Not really. Better than editing every quest in the game that could increase relationship.



event OnInit()
registerforupdateGametime(72) ;check if a relationship should change every three game days

event OnUpdate()
if (SomeQuest.GetStage() >= SomeStageNumber)
;mod relationship here
elseif (SomeQuest2.GetStage() >= SomeStageNumber)
;mod relationship here


very basic draft for a checker script

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