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LayDownMarker for PC use?


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I'm wondering if there isn't a way to convert a LayDownMarker into something that the player can use, so far I've jostled around the keywords and unchecked the marker flag. What it doesn't have so far is a way to interact with it like a chair or bench.


I'll keep messing with it and see if I can make some headway but in the meantime I'd appreciate any advice or input anyone might have, thanks! :biggrin:

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I've made a neat discovery while messing around with the markers. I found my answer Here which deals with taking a BlessingKneelMarker and removing the IsKneeling Keyword and replacing it with IsLayDown (in my case anyway). The only downside thus far is that it creates an invisible collision barrier, and I haven't yet found a way to have the player able to look around while laying down. The latter is in the keywords I think. Can't do much about the collision barrier though I'm afraid. :biggrin:


Removed the keyword ForceThirdPersonView and now the character can zoom out from first person unless they are in third person already to look around properly.

Edited by TheGreenLion
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've made a neat discovery while messing around with the markers. I found my answer Here which deals with taking a BlessingKneelMarker and removing the IsKneeling Keyword and replacing it with IsLayDown (in my case anyway). The only downside thus far is that it creates an invisible collision barrier, and I haven't yet found a way to have the player able to look around while laying down. The latter is in the keywords I think. Can't do much about the collision barrier though I'm afraid. :biggrin:


Removed the keyword ForceThirdPersonView and now the character can zoom out from first person unless they are in third person already to look around properly.

Just remove the collision from the nif! apply and save.

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Hrm okay so I took a look at it in Nifskope and tried a few things that all made the markers lose their interactive quality. So my question is, how does one remove the collision from the marker properly, and leave the rest alone? Edited by TheGreenLion
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  • 4 months later...

I've made a neat discovery while messing around with the markers. I found my answer Here which deals with taking a BlessingKneelMarker and removing the IsKneeling Keyword and replacing it with IsLayDown (in my case anyway). The only downside thus far is that it creates an invisible collision barrier, and I haven't yet found a way to have the player able to look around while laying down. The latter is in the keywords I think. Can't do much about the collision barrier though I'm afraid. :biggrin:


Removed the keyword ForceThirdPersonView and now the character can zoom out from first person unless they are in third person already to look around properly.


Thanks buddy, you have earned my gratitude for this info.

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