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I messed up bad. How can I fix this?


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Okay, I've completely messed up my worldspace's region editor. I look on other ones like Tamriel, and it's a bunch of colors with a bunch of shapes. At some point messing around with the editor I managed to mess up my region editor. Here's my Region Editor: http://i.imgur.com/bxJRY.png (opens in a new tab)


My world is no where near that size. I was trying to make a border for my world, (you cannot go that way), but I suppose I made it WAY too large. I tested it out and the border works, but to get there I have to leave the island and swim for about 20 minutes until I hit it. Essentially, how do I fix my mistake and get my region editor back to how it used to be so I can restart? I can still make a new region and make borders inside of that one or whatever, but that seems kind of makeshift and is putting too much unnecessary stress on the RAM. Thanks! :)

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1) make sure you also tick the "no data" checkbox (assuming you've made a custom region and assigned that as a "border region" because otherwise you just won't see your region

2) if you click inside the map window in the region editor, you should be able to zoom in & out with the mouse wheel


Then rightclick your region in the map > switch to "regionname" > now you should be able to edit to your heart's content.

Edited by acidzebra
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