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Crashes Near Riverwood


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So I ran into an issue with my game crashing when i got near Riverwood and helgen. I thought i fixed it by downloading the mods i was missing, however i got to helgen no problem now whenever i try to get to riverwood it crashes before i can even see the town. The picture below is the handful of mods i have in the load order they are in.

And i just cleaned all the files as well the only compatibility issue i have that it is saying is the stones of barenziah with the unofficial skyrim patch, but i dont see why that would stop me from going to riverwood





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Guest deleted80903

It's hard to say exactly what the root cause here is without being familiar with many of the mods in your load order. Probably based on your description, we are looking at a corrupt mesh or texture in the area, or a skeleton issue.


I do know that SOS will instantly crash your game if it tries to... "Endow" a nearby NPC who does not have a compatible skeleton. This is a pretty common problem, so much so that I ended up getting rid of SOS entirely. SOS works pretty well in Skyrim, but once you start getting into modded lands things get unstable.


Check out my guide on CTDs and how to hunt them down: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34268

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